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The Original Painting


Paul McCartney
Over the Universe at the Speed Light

From the depth of darkness where life began with the big bang… Came an ancient treasure chest of the past… Landing and disappearing deep in the desert sands… 1000 years passed before it was discovered by a young man… As he was marveling at his find, its lids burst open with a bang… revealing a journey of many millions of light-years from its distant past… and a ship traveling through the tortuous space with many far-off quasars at its back… in the seas of the past and the newly created seas of stars, planets, with suns set at low tides… a destination map for it to land… a music box of a sort with a love song written by hand… And… Freeing the bird inside to the glorious guitar riff of a man… The rest is a musical mystery tour played by the band… Paul McCartney and Wings Over the Universe at the Speed of Light.


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